InDesign crashes when working with patterns or barcodes

Here are some troubleshooting steps you can take if InDesign crashes when working with patterns.

Verify you have proper write permissions

When you edit or create a pattern or barcode, the first thing PatternMaker does is write a file to disk. If the user logged into the machine doesn't have write access to the folder where the file is being written, InDesign will crash.

If you haven't changed the default preferences, it writes the file to your InDesign local cached data folder. Since this is a user folder, in most cases you should have access to it, but in some network environments with strict security, you may not. Here is a link about where to find the local cached data folder.

You may also have changed PatternMaker's preferences to store the patterns either next to the document or to a specific folder of your choosing. Here is a link about setting PatternMaker preferences.

On OSX, check for corrupt font caches

OSX caches font files, and sometimes those can become corrupt. You can clean these caches out with a shareware utility called FontNuke. You can access FontNuke here.

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