PatternMaker/BarcodeMaker preferences

About Preferences

There are a few preferences you can set for PatternMaker and BarcodeMaker. These preferences control where your patterns are stored, and also control a few settings for ISBN barcodes.

How to open Preferences

  • Choose Edit > Preferences > PatternMaker (Windows) or InDesign > Preferences > PatternMaker (Mac OS).
  • Alternatively, from the PatternMaker palette, open the flyout menu in the upper right hand corner of the palette and choose "PatternMaker Preferences"

File Handling Options

When you create a pattern or barcode, we make an EPS file and link it to the InDesign document in the Links panel. There are three places we can store the EPS file - embedded in the document itself, stored on disk next to the document, or stored on disk at a specific location.

  • Embed in Document - patterns will be embedded links
  • Store next to document - patterns will be stored in a folder called "Patterns". If you choose this option, PatternMaker will require you to have the document saved before making any patterns or barcodes.
  • Store in a directory - patterns will be stored in a directory that you choose. 

ISBN Barcode Options

ISBN barcodes are unique in that they have the barcode number appear both above and below the barcode. These options control how the numbering above the barcode appears. 

  • 13 digit number over 10 digit number - if dual numbering is enabled and this preference is selected, the 13 digit number will appear above the 10 digit number. Otherwise, the 10 digit number will be on top.
  • Use Colons - This option will cause a colon to appear after word "ISBN" in the numbers on top of the barcode.

Note: These preferences only start applying to newly created barcodes.  Existing barcodes will continue to display whatever behavior was set when they were created.  So if, for example, a barcode was created with "Use Colons" on, it will always have colons as you adjust the barcode, regardless of the preferences.

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    Lawrence Horwitz


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